Life is What Happens

The title of my blog "Life is what happens" was inspired by a song which John Lennon wrote for his son. The lyrics of "Beautiful Boy (Darling Boy)" contain the famous Lennon quote, "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans."

Earliest memory

Most people "remember" an early childhood moment because of seeing a family photo of the event.  But what is really my first true memory?
My grandfather died when I was 3 years1 month old. My first memory was of him peeling an orange for me on the front porch of his house. I remember he would tell me to jump off of the step which was probably 8" tall but seemed much bigger to me.  Then he would reward me with an orange slice. It was so exciting to me that I did it over & over.  BigDaddy was the same man who at first told Mother & Daddy they shouldn't get married. According to Mother he adored me so perhaps he didn't think I was a "little idiot" after all.  Or maybe he was testing my coordination by having me jump off of the step.
My second "first memory" was making a record. Mother, Daddy & I were visiting Mother's aunt & uncle in Port Aransas. The uncle had a strange machine that recorded a voice to made records. I remember saying my name & age then singing some nursery rhymes.  He turned it into a vinyl record which we kept for many years. My parents played it for me several times but after a while they said we couldn't play it any more because the record player needle might scratch it.  
Childhood memories from pictures are abundant because my childhood was recorded in Brownie camera pictures. I will write about that soon. 

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